label - destination of a goto
Format: label word
Example: n = 0
label top

   n = n + 1
   if n > 5

     goto done

   print n

   goto top

label done

echo all done
If a statement of the form goto word is encountered, control is transferred to this point, otherwise no operation is performed. see also goto.

 let - generating vectors
Format: [let] vector = vector or vector expression
Example: let sp = sqrt(v(8)/(v(9)-v(10)))
    x = 2*2
Usage: let test = exp(v(8)*v(9))/((470/@d3[id])-1)
view tran test
Let produces a new vector from an existing vector or vector expression. All vectors on the right hand side of the equation must have been created prior to the occurrence of the let command. Hence, the let command must be placed after the analysis control statement that creates the vectors used in the let statement. This new vector can then be used in place of the original expression or vector for any command in the ICL. The Usage example above can be entered into the Script window. The next time a simulation is run, test will be displayed in real time. The vectors v(8), v(9), and @d3[id] must have been saved in a previous simulation. Unlet removes a vector.
Note: As in the BASIC language, let statements (let n = n + 1) work without the let keyword (i.e. n = n + 1).

linearize - format transient vector data
Format: linearize [vector]
Example: linearize v(8)
Usage: let test = exp(v(8)*v(9))/((470/@d3[id])-1)
view tran test

Linearize replaces all the named vectors, with new vectors that are interpolated onto a linear time scale as specified by the .TRAN TSTEP, TSTART, and TSTOP values. A new plot is made to hold the results. If no vectors are listed, all vectors are linearized.

This command is essential for indexing into a vector. If the vector is not linearized time points will not be evenly spaced and there will be no way to find a particular point in time. Once linearized, all time points will be in TSTEP increments.

Note: Linearize should not be used during a simulation, only after a simulation is complete.
IntuScope Only: Syntax is as following in IntuScope5:
Format: linearize points [vector]
Example: linearize 1000 v(8)
Since scope, in general, can't access the TRAN parameters, you must explicitly specify the number of points.

listing - print the input netlist
Format: listing [logical] [physical] [deck] [expand]
Example: listing p

Produces a printed copy of the input netlist. If the logical argument is given all continuation lines are collapsed into one line. If the physical argument is given all input lines are printed as they appear. The deck argument will echo the input verbatim, except for case. If expand is present, the print out will appear with all subcircuits expanded. All options except "deck" produce line numbers. With no argument, the "logical" option is selected. The first letter of the options is all that is required.

load - loads plots from a file
Format: load filename [plot [vec1 vec2 ...]]
Example: load rule.plt
load rule.plt constants
load constants.plt constants q e h k pi
load %icapsdir%in\const.plt constants

Loads plots previously saved in a file using the write command. The second argument specifies a plot to save the loaded vectors, otherwise a new plow will be made. The following arguments specify the vectors that are to be loaded. In the third example; q, e, h, k and pi are loaded into the constants plot. The constants plot is a special plot that is initialized when IntuScope is started. It is always searched for unresolved vectors. The filename can have an environment variable specified between % characters. The system environment is searched first, if nothing is present then the user environment is searched. see the set command to establish a user environment.

loadaccumulator - loads accumulator with single-element vector
Format: loadaccumulator vecName [textID]
Example: loadaccumulator average(current) mean

Loads the accumulator with a single-element vector. The result is loaded into the accumulator window of both the status bar and the cursor bar in IntuScope 5. The example illustrates the script used for the average measurement that is invoked by pressing "a"

IntuScope only.

makelabel - adds a label to the active trace
Format: makelabel function [textstring]
Example: makelabel mean "average"

Creates a label by applying the function to the active trace, and adding any text. See also movelabel, setlabel and setlabeltype.

IntuScope only.

Format: makesmithplot <source vector type>
Example: makesmithplot

Adds a Smith plot to the current graph document, if the document already contains a trace derived from a complex vector.

IntuScope only.

maxscale- returns maximum scale value
Format: maxscale

Returns the maximum scale value of the given plotted vector. If the vector doesn't exist, or has not been plotted by Scope, an error message is displayed.

IntuScope only.

minscale- returns minimum scale value
Format: minscale

Returns the minimum scale value of the given plotted vector. If the vector doesn't exist, or has not been plotted by Scope, an error message is displayed.

IntuScope only.

movecursorleft - move a cursor to a value, backward along the default scale
Format: movecursorleft cursor# vector value
Example: movecursorleft(1 v(3) 2.51)
moveCursorLeft(1 v(3) mean(v(3))

Positions a cursor at a vectors data value. The cursor is positioned on the default (x-axis) scale and its value is interpolated to correspond to the value of the vector argument. The vector is an array that is scanned from the largest index toward the smallest until the vector value is intersected. If the value is not found, the cursor will be positioned on the first data point.

movecursorright - move a cursor to a value, forward along the default scale
Format: movecursorright cursor# vector value

movecursorright(1 v(3) 2.51)
moveCursorRight(1 v(3) mean(v(3))

Positions a cursor at a vectors data value. The cursor is positioned on the default (x-axis) scale and its value is interpolated to correspond to the value of the vector argument. The vector is an array that is scanned from the smallest index toward the largest until the vector value is intersected. If the value is not found, the cursor will be positioned on the last data point.

movelabel - changes the coordinates of a label
Format: movelabel xPos yPos

movelabel 200 300

Moves most recent label to (x,y) in 0.1% of window size (lower-left label to upper-left window). See also makelabel, setlabel and setlabeltype.

IntuScope only

msgbox - put up a message box
Format: msgbox "text"

msgbox "this will appear in the message box"

Use this command to display a text in a message box while running a series of ICL commands.

nameplot - changes a plot name
Format: nameplot newtype [newname]
Example: nameplot ref
nameplot rule rule

Changes the name of the current plot. Use setplot with no arguments to see the names of the plots that you can access. The optional newname is used by load to make the typename that accesses the plot in setplot.

newplot - creates a new plot with a default scale [optional copy]
Format: newplot name vector [vector]
Example: newplot temp default
newplot temp default tran2.default

Creates a new plot using the first argument for its name. It is given the scale from the vector. The default keyword can be used to refer to the scale of a plot without knowing its name. The optional third argument identifies a source plot from which all vectors are copied. The scales of the 2 plots are combined and the entire set of vectors in the new plot are interpolated to fit the new scale. Re-scaling using the newplot command or the copy command is necessary before performing mathematical operations between data in different plots. See nextvector to see how to iterate through all plot vectors.

Applicable for IntuScope 5 only:
In addition to the two and three argument version used by SPICE, IntuScope 5 also allows zero or one arguments outlined below.
newplot (no argument)
  • Next time a trace is plotted, a new plot, using a default plot name will be created for it.
  • newplot (one argument)
  • Next time a trace is plotted, a new plot, using the given name will be created for it.

  • nextparam - enumerates parameter that have tolerances
    Format: nextparam [param]
    Example: nextparam nextparam param

    The special global vector, param, holds a reference to the parameter which is used as the argument for alterparam, unalterparam, getparam, tolerance and printparam. If no argument, param starts with the first parameter that has a tolerance. If the param argument is given, it will place the next reference in param or null if there are no more references. The global vector param can be saved in a plot using a let command; for example paramvec = param. Then paramvec can then be used later to reset the current param using setparam.

    noise - Small-Signal Noise Analysis
    Format: noise V(output [,ref]) source_reference_designation [DEC] [LIN] [OCT]
    + number_of_points Starting_freq Ending_freq [ptspersummary]
    Example: noise V(5) VIN dec 10 1kHZ 100MgHz
    noise V(5,3) V1 oct 8 1.0 1.0E6 1

    Special Requirement: The noise analysis requires at least one voltage or current source in the circuit to have the AC magval (magnitude value) stimulus. For example: V1 1 0 AC 1. It is strongly advised that the AC magnitude be made equal to 1, since the analysis is linear and not affected by source amplitude. See IsSpice4 Help for more information.

    nopoints - remove set points
    Format: nopoints [all] [analysis_type plot_name]
    Example: nopoints all nopoints tran vmine

    Removes reference points previously placed on one or more graphs by the points command.

    op - Operating Point
    Format: op
    Example: op

    Summary: The inclusion of this line in an input file will force IsSpice4 to determine the quiescent DC operating point of the circuit with inductors shorted and capacitors opened. An operating point is automatically calculated prior to a transient analysis to determine the transient initial conditions, and prior to an AC, noise, or distortion analysis to determine the linearized, small-signal models for nonlinear devices. If a transient analysis is run with the UIC option, no DC operating point will be performed unless an AC analysis is run.
    Getting Output: The operating point voltages for all nodes and voltage source currents are recorded in op plot. Refer to the show and showmod commands for viewing device and model parameters

    plot - plots the named vector
    Format: plot yVector [xVector]
    Example: plot v(1)
       plot v(1) v(2)
    Plots the specified y-axis vector, against the specified x-axis vector. If no x-axis vector is specified, the default scale vector is used instead. In most cases the default is either time or frequency. If its x-axis is compatible, the new trace is added to the active plot. If not, a new plot is automatically created for it. If the x-axes are compatible, but not identical, both the existing and new traces are interpolated to produce a common x axis for all traces in the plot.
    IntuScope only.

    plotf - plots and fomats the vectors name
    Format: plotf vector formatString [[[[argument1] argument2]
    Example: alias previous v(6)
    result = mag(v(6))
    plotf result mag(%s) previous
    Result: The vector name is evaluated as "mag(v(6))", and this name replaces "result" as the vector name when it is plotted.
    Plots the named vector in the active plot. If the default vector is not identical to that of the plot, it is interpolated along with the vectors of the plot, to provide a new common scale, as is done by the copy command. The argument "formatString" can be any text string containing from 0 to 4 instances of the place holder "%s". If it contains spaces, it must enclosed in quotation marks. The arguments "argument1" through "argument4" can be vector names, alias names, or any other text strings. The new vector name is formatted using the C-language "sprintf" function, so that place holders are replaced by their correspond arguments. In the case of arguments which are alias names, the place holder is replaced by the string for which the alias was constructed. If there are more place holders than arguments, the extra place holders themselves appear in the resulting name. If there are more arguments than place holders, they are ignored. This command is used to produce unique names in the calculator scripts
    IntuScope only.

    plotref - plots the named vectors as a reference trace
    Format: plotref yVector xVector
    Example: compose level values 90 54 54 60 60
    setunits level volts
    compose frequency values 10k+j(0) 500k+j(0) 5meg+j(0) 5.01meg+j(0) 10meg+j(0)
    setunits frequency hertz
    plotref level frequency

    Plots the specified y-axis vector against the x-axis vector in the current plot, as a reference trace, it the x-axis has the same name and units as that of the plot. If they are not the same, an error message is displayed, and no action is taken.

    As a reference trace, its vectors need not have the same number of data points as the existing traces in the plot, and they are not interpolated, as they would be by the "plot" command. However, no mathematical operations may be performed using the vecors of the resulting trace. Any desired comparisons between it and the other traces in the plot must be made visually, or manually, using the cursors.

    IntuScope only.

    poly - prints the best polynomial
    Format: poly vector order
    Example: previous = current
    poly current 5
    print rms(previous-current)
    Result: The vector name is evaluated as "mag(v(6))", and this name replaces "result" as the vector name when it is plotted.
    Calculates polynomial coefficients for best fit to the specified vector. The results are shown in the output window and the result is plotted. Be aware that high order polynomials may result in numerical overflow or underflow if the x-axis contains very large or very small values. The example also print the rms error that is minimized using polynomial regression.
    IntuScope plots the result.

    points - place data points on the screen
    Format: points analysis_type plot_name x1 y1 ...
    Example: points tran2 v(1) 0 0.05 45n 0.05 50n 1.5 100n 1.5
    Places static points on the graph window of the specified waveform. The points are described in the familiar IsSpice4 PWL format. To change the displayed points you must remove the point set with the nopoints command and set the new points with a new points command.

    print - data output
    Format: print [line] [all] [vectors] [vector expressions]
    Example: print mean(@r1[p]) print v(8) @d1[id] v(10)[5]
    The arguments can be any vector or vector expression. If used in a control block then the output will be placed in the output file. If used in the Script, Expression, or Command windows, the output will be sent to the Output window. Note: This print does not produce IntuScope compatible output data.
    If the keyword line is given then the vectors are printed horizontally. The x-axis vector, normally time or frequency, is not output in this case unless specifically stated. If the keyword all is given then all currently saved vectors for the active analysis are printed.
    Transient Note: When printing a vector, the output will consist of interpolated data with respect to the specifications on the .TRAN line (TSTEP increments). To print non-interpolated data use printvector. The linearize function may be used to obtain the equivalent output.
    IntuScope 5 uses the printvector format, it does not automatically linearize the vector.

    printcursors - prints the cursors for the current plot
    Format: printcursors
    Example: printCursors
    Print the cursor data for cursors in the current plot.

    printevent - digital node events
    Format: printevent nodename
    Example: printevent 1 3 out_node
    Print digital events for a digital node.

    printname - prints a vectors name
    Format: printname vector

    nv = nextvector(null)
    while nv <> null

         if length(nv) <> 1
    if current <> nv
                   printname nv

                   n = n + 1
    nv = nextvector(nv)

    Prints the full vector name in the output window. The above example enumerates all vectors except the current vector that have length that's not equal to1. This technique is used in script templates to print the name and then some information about the vector; for example, the rise time.

    Note: To print with a new line (line feed) see printstatus below.

    printplot- print the name of a plot
    Format: printplot vec

    printplot pl. default

    Print plot name in which the vector belongs.

    printstatus - print to .err file and status window
    Format: printstatus vec

    printstatus -t "some text"
    printstatus -tn "some text"
    printstatus -p paramvec
    printstatus -l vec.default
    printstatus -v v(12)
    printstatus -vn v(12)
    printstatus -n nv

    Prints an".err" file to the status window to inform the user of the state of a script. The following options change the interpretation of value:
      -t the text value is echoed
    -tn the text is echoed without line feed
    -p prints the name of the parameter (paramvec index)
    -l prints the plot name in which the vector belongs
    -v prints the vector value
    -vn prints the vector value without line feed
    -n prints the vector name

    printtext - place formatted text in the output file
    Format: printtext [-n | -u | -nu | -un] text string
    Example: set colwidth=20
    printtext vector value
    Places the text given on the left into the output file for the given simulation. Text is left justified. Each column width is specified by colwidth and ends with a new line unless the -n option is used. The -u option makes the text upper case.

    printtol - print parameter tolerance
    Format: printtol paramvec
    Example: printtol param
    Prints the tolerance of a parameter, formatted in scientific notation with in columns set in the "colwidth" variable.

    printunits - prints a vectors units in the output window 
    Format: printunits vector
    Example: printunits v(3)
    Prints a vectors units in the output window. See also setunits.
    Intuscope only.

    printval - print a vector value 
    Format: printval vec
    Example: nv=nextvector(null)
    printval nv
    Prints the value of the vector nv.

    printvector - data output 
    Format: printvector [vectors] [vector expressions]
    Example: printvector mean(@r1[p])
    printvector v(8) @d1[id] v(10)[5]
    Prints the vector without the linearization performed by print. For vectors of unit length, it uses the spice formatted printout. The data precision can be set using spicedigits = num.
    In IntuScope, this is accessed using the print command.

     pwl - print a piece-wise-linear table in the output window
    Format: pwl vector resolution
    Example: _resolution = pk_pk(current)*.005
    pwl current _resolution


    print _resolution
    In IntuScope, this is accessed using the print command.

     pz - Pole-Zero Analysis
    Format: pz N1 N2 N3 N4 cur [pol] [zer] [pz]
    pz N1 N2 N3 N4 vol [pol] [zer] [pz]
    Example: pz 4 0 5 0 VOL PZ
    pz 1 0 3 0 CUR POL

    pz 2 3 5 4 VOL ZER
    The pole-zero analysis computes the poles and/or zeros of the small-signal AC transfer function from any input to any output. Refer to the IsSpice4 help for more information.

    quit - terminate a simulation
    Format: quit
    Terminates the simulation at the point the quit command is encountered.

    Format: removesmithplot
    Example: removesmithplot
    Removes any existing Smith plot from the current graph document.
    IntuScope 5 only.

    rename - renames specified vector
    Format: rename oldVecName newVecName
    Example: rename v(1) vin
    Renames the specified vector, which must be in the currently active plot.
    IntuScope 5 only.

    repeat - control loop
    Format: repeat [number]

    Example: save all allcur
       function rms(vec) sqrt(mean(vec*vec))

       view tran v(8)

       repeat 10

           tran 1n 100n
           print @l1[inductance] rms(i(v2)) mean(v(8))

           alter @l1[inductance]=@l1[inductance]-5m

    The repeat command will repeat the commands within the loop number times. The commands will be executed indefinitely if no number is specified. Refer to the break command to exit from within a loop. See also while and dowhile.

    resume - continue a simulation
    Format: resume
    Resumes the simulation after a stop command. The delete command must be issued to remove the breakpoint that caused the simulation to stop.

    rotate - rotates a vector (right) by the points specified
    Format: rotate vector points
    Example: _width = default[length(default)-1]
    _width=_width - default[0]
    _width=_width * .25
    result = pulse(_width)
    rotate result 2*_width
    plot result
    Rotates a vector in a linearly scaled plot to the right by the specified number of points. The example builds a pulse with a 25% duty ratio and rotates it one half cycle. Rotate only works with linearly scaled plots. See linearize.

    runs - run a script from a file
    Format: runs filespec
    Example: runs %icapsdir%in\myscript
    Runs a script that was previously saved. filespec can have an environment variable specified between % characters. The system environment is searched first, if nothing is present then the user environment is searched. see the set command to establish a user environment.

    rusage - output resource information
    Format: rusage resource [all]
    Example: rusage time
    Prints the status of the resource listed as the argument or the time resource if no arguments are given. The resource argument can be any of the resources listed in the following table. Multiple resources can be requested by placing them on the same line.

    elapsed  CPU time used since the IsSpice4 was started
    space  Data space used
     temp  Circuit operating temperature
     tnom  Temperature at which all device parameters were measured
     equations  Circuit equations
     time  Total analysis time
     totiter  Total number of iterations
     accept  Total number of accepted time points
     rejected  Total number of rejected time points
     loadtime  Time required to load the circuit matrix and RHS
     reordertime  Matrix reordering time
     lutime  L-U decomposition time
     solvetime  Matrix solve time
     trantime  Transient analysis time
     tranpoints  Transient timepoints
     traniter  Transient iterations
     trancuriter  Transient iterations per point
     tranlutime  Transient L-U decomposition time
     transolve  Transient matrix solve time
     all  All of the above

    save - save a vector
    Format: save [vectors] [all] [allcur] [allpow]

    save all allcur allpow
    save v(8) @m1[gm]
    tran 1n 100n

    Vectors must be identified before performing a simulation using the save command. These "saved" vectors will be available in the plots made for each analysis. The save command is global; that is, the same vector list will be saved for all subsequent analyses. The all, allcur and allpwow options are discouraged, see IsSpice4 documentation for more information. Save vectors are accumulated if more than one save command is present.

    sendplot - send a plot to IntuScope
    Format: sendplot [yname = val] vecy [[xname = val] vecx]
    + [scale ymin ymax] [graph number]
    + [Gtype typename]

    sendplot v(3) v(4)
    sendplot output=v(3) input=v(4)
    sendplot @r1[p]

    Sends the named vector(s) to IntuScope for display. If only one vector is given the default scale for its plot is used as the x axis. If two vectors are given the second is used as the x axis.

    Any string given to the left of the "=" will be used as the label name for the vector.

    For Intuscope4 only.

    - This symbol indicates that the script command is also used in IntuScope 5.
