
Description Plot 20 times the log, to the base 10, of the current trace.
Hot Key  none
Script alias previous = current
result = 20*log10(current)
plotf result 20*lgt(%s) previous

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an exponential function then select the menu calculator/Functions/20Lgt

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot expplot time
setplot expplot
y = exp(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y

Description Plot e^trace, where trace represents the current trace.
Hot Key  none
Script alias previous = current
result = exp(current)
plotf result exp(%s) previous

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an linear function then select the menu calculator/Functions/20Lgt

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot expplot time
setplot expplot
y = 2*pi*time*1k
plot y

Description Plot the log, to the base 10, of the current trace.
Hot Key  none
Script alias previous = current
result = log10(current)
plotf result lgt(%s) previous

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an exponential function then select the menu calculator/Functions/lgt

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot expplot time
setplot expplot
y = exp(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y

Description Plot the log, to the base e, of the current trace.
Hot Key  none
Script alias previous = current
result = ln(current)
plotf result log(%s) previous

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an exponential function then select the menu calculator/Functions/lgt

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot expplot time
setplot expplot
y = exp(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y

Description Plot a version of the current angle trace without 180 deg discontinuities.
  Phaseextend is automatically performed when you do bode plots or select phase in the Add Waveforms dialog. You may need this function if you do subsequent waveform calculations.
Hot Key  none
Script alias previous = current
result = phaseextend(current)
plotf result phaseExt(%s) previous

Get Circuits/buttfil/buttfil1.dwg and run a simulation. In Scope5 fo the following script and the select the calculator\Functions\phaseextend menu.

phase = ph(vout)
plot phase

Description Plot the reciprocal of the current trace.
Hot Key  none
Script alias previous = current
result = 1/current
plotf result reciprocal(%s) previous

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an exponential function the select the menu calculator/Functions/reciprocal

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot expplot time
setplot expplot
y = exp(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y

 rotate 60 Deg
Description Rotate right 60 degrees, real vectors only
  This only makes sense if the x-axis spcing is uniform. See also linearize.
Hot Key  none
Script _points = length(current)/6
rotate current _points

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an sinefunction the select the menu calculator/Functions/rotate 60 Deg

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y
set units = deg

 rotate 90 Deg
Description Rotate right 90 degrees, real vectors only
  This only makes sense if the x-axis spcing is uniform. See also linearize.
Hot Key  none
Script _points = length(current)/4
rotate current _points

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an sinefunction the select the menu calculator/Functions/rotate 90 Deg

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k)
plot y
set units = deg

Description Plot 20 times the log, to the base 10, of the current trace.
Hot Key  none
Script alias previous = current
result = sqrt(current)
plotf result sqrt(%s) previous

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot an exponential function the select the menu calculator/Functions/sqrt

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot lineplot time
setplot lineplot
y = 2*pi*time*1k
plot y