FFT freq to time
Description FFT freq to time, inverse fft of "data"
  Performs an inverse transform of a plot called data. See FFT time to freq
Hot Key  none
Script freqtotime data
plot data
Example Perform FFT time to freq using the example below, then use this freq to time function to invert the FFT and compare results. See also fftinit.

 FFT time to freq
Description FFT time to freq, plots the real and imaginary components
  Performs a time to frequency discrete Fourier transform. The results are plotted using formated strings to identify the plots. The complex result is saved in a plot named data. The data plot is the default name used for the inverse transform. If FFTinit hasn't been specified, a radix of 12 (4096 points) is used to initilaize the sine-cosine tables. See also fftinit, freqtotime and timetofreq.
Hot Key  none
Script * FFT time to freq, plots mag in db and phase
alias previous = current
temp = re(current)
plotf temp re(fft(%s)) previous
temp = im(previous)
plotf temp im(fft(%s)) previous
data = previous

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot a sine wave

Select "FFT time to freq" from the Complex menu to view the result.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k)
y = y + sin(2*pi*time*3k)/3
y = y + sin(2*pi*time*5k)/5
plot y
set units = deg

 FFT time to mag
Description FFT magnitude
  Performs a time to frequency discrete Fourier transform. The magnitude is computed and plotted using a formatted vector name.
Hot Key  f
Script timetofreq(current)
temp = mag(current)
plotf temp mag(fft(%s)) current
Example Use the script from the above example

 Wavelet time to wave
Description wave to time using daub4 wave function, use fftinit to set the wave space, default is 4096 points
  See also timetowave command
Hot Key  none
Script timetowave current
plot current

Open scope and paste this script into the command window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot the "square: wave

Select "Wavelet time to wave" from the Complex menu to view the result.

Notice that the waveplot_t plot is used to hold the transform results. Wave space is real, there isn't a complex part.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*10m)
newplot waveplot time
setplot waveplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*1k)
y = y + sin(2*pi*time*3k)/3
y = y + sin(2*pi*time*5k)/5
y = y * (1 - cos(2*pi*time/10m))
plot y
set units = deg

 Wavelet wave to time
Description wave to time using daub4 wave function, use fftinit to set the wave space, default is 4096 points
  Performs and Inverse wavelet transform. See also wavetotime command.
Hot Key  none
Script wavetotime current
plot current
Example Perform the above example, the use this script to invert the result.