Apply han 10% taper to current waveform
Description Build and apply han10 to current waveform

Makes a new vector which starts and ends at the average of the current vector using a cosine taper for the first and last 5% of the current waveform. An error is sent to the output window if there is no scale.

When a waveform is transformed into frequency domain using a discrete Fourier transform it is treated as though it is periodic. Artificial high frequency components appear in the frequency domain if the waveform doesn't begin and end with the same value. These windows force the value to zero at the endpoints if they are applied (multiplied) directly. For sine waves this works out reasonably well, however, cosine waves will introduce a large transient. To remove this effect, the initial and final values are offset so they are nearly zero before applying the window. Then the offset is restored after applying the window.

Using windowing functions will smear out an otherwise sharp spectral line. Data from simulation can generally be controlled to begin and end with the simulation span so that application of windowing functions is not necessary.

Hot Key  none
Script if length(default) > 1
set units = rad
delx_ = getcursorx(1) - getcursorx(0)
taper_ = .05
alias previous = current
x1_ = taper_ * delx_ + default[0]
set units = rad
delx_ = getcursorx(1) - getcursorx(0)
taper_ = .05
x1_ = taper_ * delx_ + default[0]
x2_ = (1 - taper_) * delx_ + default[0]
pi = 4*atan(1)
han10 = unitvec(length(default))*(1+taper_)
n = 0
while default[n] < x1_
han10[n] =.5* han10[n]*(1 - cos(pi*default[n]/x1_) )
n = n+1
n = length(default)-1
while default[n] > x2_
han10[n] = .5*han10[n]*(1+ cos(pi*(default[n]-x2_)/x1_) )
n = n - 1
set units = deg
han10 = han10 / average(han10)
vo_ = (current[0] + current[length(current)-1])/2
result =vo_ + han10*(current - vo_)
plotf result han10(%s) previous
print "This plot contains no scale"

Open scope and paste this script into the Command Window.
Then press <Ctrl + R> to plot a sine wave.

Select "Build and apply han10 to current waveform" from the Build menu to view the result.

set units = rad
pi =4*atan(1)
numpoints = 1000
time = (vector(numpoints)/(numpoints-1)*1m)
newplot sineplot time
setplot sineplot
y = sin(2*pi*time*5.25k)
plot y
setcursor 1 500u
set units = deg
print 2/pi

Apply han 20% taper to current waveform
Description  Build and apply han20 to current waveform.
  see han10 for details
Hot Key  none

set units = rad
delx_ = getcursorx(1) - getcursorx(0)
taper_ = .1

see han10 for the remaining script

Example see han10

Apply han 100% taper to current waveform
Description  Build and apply han100 to current waveform.
  see han10 for details
Hot Key  none
Script set units = rad
pi = 4*atan(1)
previous = current
han100 = 1 - cos(2*pi*default/(getcursorx(1) - getcursorx(0)))
set units = deg
vo_ = (current[0] + current[length(current)-1])/2
result =vo_ + han100*(current - vo_)
plotf result han100(%s) previous
Example see han10

 Black Body
Description Generate and plot black-body radiation curves in the visible spectrum for 3200, 6000 and 9000 deg K

This script illustrates many ICL features. First it loads rule.plt; the defining plot for dimensional (units) analysis. This is a user extensible file that defines the relationship between basic units; for example watt = volt*amp. It is a special plot in which units are not evaluated.

The script then copies the units into the constants plot so that they can be used to define units for the various constants we will use for this problem. Constants are then defined along with their units. We set the angle computation to radians and reset it at the end to degrees. The function eb(t,u), is the black body radiation function taken from a text book. The frequency, u, will be passed into the function as a vector. That forces the left hand side of the equation to also be a vector of the same length. What that means to you, the user, is that the expression evaluation will automatically loop through each wavelength using an efficient C language coded loop that runs thousands of times faster than an equivalent interpretive language like Visual Basic.

The vector function is built into the ICL language and creates a vector from 0 to the magnitude of its argument, with the number of elements equal to the argument. "wavelength" is then the x-axis scale for the blackbody plot, running from 400 nanometers to (400+380) nanometers; the visible specrum of light. Newplot and setplot make the plot; copying wavelength over as the default vector. The keyword "default" can then refer to the wavelength. "c/default" is evaluated to be a vector and its vector property causes the function eb() to be evaluated as a vector for each of the wavelengths. Its then a simple matter to plot each curve, normalized to its own mean. Dimensional analysis proceeds as you go so that dimensional errors ill wind up with strange or unknown units.

Hot Key  none
Script load rule.plt
nv = nextvector(null)
while nv != null
constants.nv = nv
nv = nextvector(nv)
setplot constants
h = 6.62607e-034 * joule * time
k = 1.38e-23 * joule / kelvin
c = 300meg * length / time
e = exp(1)
set units = rad
function eb(t,u) ((2 * pi * h * u^3)/(c^2 * (e^((h * u) / (k *t)) - 1)))
print h k c pi e
wavelength = length*(vector(100)/99*400n+380n)
newplot blackbody wavelength
setplot blackbody
w_3200 = eb(3200*kelvin,c/default)
w_3200 = w_3200/mean(w_3200)
plot w_3200
w_6000 = eb(6000*kelvin,c/default)
w_6000 = w_6000/mean(w_6000)
plot w_6000
w_9000 = eb(9000*kelvin,c/default)
w_9000 = w_9000/mean(w_9000)
plot w_9000
set units = deg
Example This script produces a standalone result.

 Cosine Window
Description Make a plot called cosw which is cos(.5*pi*x/xmax)
  This window is commonly applied to frequency domaing data to provide a low pass filter. It can be raised to a power to reduce the pass band and sharpen the filter.
Hot Key  none
Script set units = rad
pi = 4*atan(1)
cosw = cos(.5*pi*default/(getcursorx(1) - getcursorx(0)))
set units = deg
plot cosw
Example This script produces a standalone result.

 hanning 10 percent taper
Description Makes a plot called han10 which is cosine tapered 5% on each end and has an average value of 1. The taper percentage reverts to the percent of the original waveform that is altered.
Hot Key  none
Script if length(default) > 1
set units = rad
delx_ = getcursorx(1) - getcursorx(0)
taper_ = .05
x1_ = taper_ * delx_ + default[0]
set units = rad
delx_ = getcursorx(1) - getcursorx(0)
taper_ = .05
x1_ = taper_ * delx_ + default[0]
x2_ = (1 - taper_) * delx_ + default[0]
pi = 4*atan(1)
han10 = unitvec(length(default))*(1+taper_)
gate = ~pulse(x2_)
gate = gate + pulse(x1_)
han10c = ~gate*han10
han10 = han10c + .5* (1 - cos(pi*default/x1_))*gate
han10 = han10 / average(han10)
plot han10
print "This plot contains no scale"
Example This script produces a standalone result.

 hanning 20 percent taper
Description Makes a plot called han20 which is cosine tapered 10% on each end and has an average value of 1.
  See above
Hot Key  none
Script if length(default) > 1
set units = rad
delx_ = getcursorx(1) - getcursorx(0)
taper_ = .1
x1_ = taper_ * delx_ + default[0]
set units = rad
delx_ = getcursorx(1) - getcursorx(0)
x1_ = taper_ * delx_ + default[0]
x2_ = (1 - taper_) * delx_ + default[0]
pi = 4*atan(1)
han20 = unitvec(length(default))*(1+taper_)
n = 0
while default[n] < x1_
han20[n] =.5* han20[n]*(1 - cos(pi*default[n]/x1_) )
n = n+1
n = length(default)-1
while default[n] > x2_
han20[n] = .5*han20[n]*(1+ cos(pi*(default[n]-x2_)/x1_) )
n = n - 1
han20 = han20 / average(han20)
set units = deg
plot han20
print "This plot contains no scale"
Example This script produces a standalone result.

 hanning 100 percent taper
Description Makes a plot called han100 which is cosine tapered 50% on each end and has an average value of 1.
  See above
Hot Key  none
Script if isdef(default) = 1
set units = rad
pi = 4*atan(1)
han100 = 1 - cos(2*pi*default/(getcursorx(1) - getcursorx(0)))
set units = deg
plot han100
print "This plot contains no scale"
Example This script produces a standalone result.